Leys Junior School

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Parent Governor Vacancy

 Monday 25th November 2024


There is a vacancy for a Parent Governor on Unity Federation’s Governing Board.

If you would like to stand for election please read the information sheet below – Could you become a Parent Governor? and complete and return the nomination form to the school office by 12.00 noon on Friday 6th December ‘24.

Another parent of a child at either Copthorne or Leys must sign the form in support of your nomination.

 All newly elected/appointed governors must hold an enhanced criminal record certificate. The Governing Board must apply for such a certificate within 21 days of election/appointment of a new governor.

Check that you are eligible for appointment as a School Governor by reading the Declaration of Eligibility Section.


All governors are expected to abide by the Code of Practice adopted by the Governing Board.


1. Election of Parent Governor Letter

2. Can you become a Parent Governor?

3. Declaration of Eligibility 

4. Election of Parent Governor Form


Please contact the office on 01773 832895 if you would like a paper copy. 


You are responsible for ensuring that your nomination form is received by the deadline - 12:00 noon on Friday 6th December '24.  It may be delivered by hand, sent to school with your child, or sent by first class post, and should be sealed in an envelope marked ‘Nomination for Parent Governor’.  A sealed ballot box will be available in the school for hand deliveries, details of the location will be found on a notice in the entrance to the school.