Our Curriculum and Timetable
Our organised and structured curriculum prepares children very well for secondary school.
We feel that young children learn best through well planned, relevant and fun activities that take into account their previous experiences and build on what they need to know next. At Leys Junior School, we strive to achieve this by making learning fun and accessible to all children, in an environment where they can feel cherished and secure; enabling them to develop into confident, independent and successful learners.
We have considered carefully many experiences and opportunities that children need at this age and have incorporated these into our curriculum.
All classes follow a daily English lesson; these are timetabled as morning sessions.
Click here to see our four year plan for English
All children follow a daily maths session. On a Friday, children take part in a Big Quiz which involves recapping their weekly work, alongside some additional areas from previous topics covered. This helps children to remember more.
Click here to see our four year plan for Maths
Our Science curriculum is organised around different topics, which allow the children to revisit concepts as they progress through school, building on their knowledge taught previously. This is a very 'hands on' subject which includes lots of investigations.
Click here to see our two year rolling plan for Science
Foundation Subjects
Here at Leys Junior School we are fortunate enough to have many specialists in a particular curriculum subject. The specialist teacher plans for the whole school and may teach more than one class. This gives our pupils the very best education possible.
History and Geography
We teach our History and Geography through whole school topics. Each topic has a fun launch and a clear end product. Please look at our children's tab to access our project leaflets to see some of the fun we have!
Click here to see our four year programme of fun and inspirational topics

All children at Leys Junior School have access to 2 hours of Physical Education each week. They learn a variety of skills whilst covering a range of sports including: gymnastics, dance, invasion games, swimming and hitting and striking games. There are also extra-curricular activities available throughout the week run by teachers, teaching assistants and outside providers. Children have many opportunities to take part in competitions, both in school and outside of school. Please see our PE and Sports page for more details.
Click here to see our four year plan for PE
Computing is taught in a time-tabled week block covering a series of ICT areas such as touch typing, computer programming, coding and 3D Printing. Laptops and iPads are used in the classroom for this, as well as being used as a resource for other curriculum areas as well.
Click here to see our plan for Computing
French is taught to all year groups by a specialist French teacher. It is taught using a variety of songs, games and activities to make learning fun.
Click here to see our four year plan for French
All children have the opportunity to learn an instrument, how to compose and music appreciation.
Click here to see our four year plan for Music
Art and Design and Design Technology (DT)
Our dedicated art and design room means children can be creative without teachers worrying about the mess!
Click here to see our four year plan for Art and DT (this includes Cooking and Nutrition)
Our purpose built DT area allows children to learn about food and nutrition. It encourages children to immerse themselves in creating a variety of savoury dishes in Y3. Children in Y5 build on their skills taught in Y3, using seasonal produce (some of which is grown on site) to make different recipes to enjoy and evaluate.
The RE curriculum offers a broad understanding of various world religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Humanism. As part of each religion, children discuss 'A Big Question,' allowing children think about the world and culture around them and the 'Protected Characteristic' of Religion and Belief.
Click here to see our four year plan for RE
PSHE is vital for a child's education. At Leys Junior school, we aim to provide high quality PSHE through weekly lessons taught by class teachers and ‘in the moment’ teaching and discussions as needs arise. Our PSHE curriculum is designed to prepare and enable children to live happy, healthy and safe lives.
We also include assemblies and ‘Special Days’ to supplement the children’s learning: including Children in Need, Red Nose Day, Anti-Bullying Week, Internet Safety Day and Aspirations.
Click here to see our four year plan for PSHE
Outdoor Education
All children in Year 3 and Year 4 enjoy Forest School and Outdoor Science.
All year groups also have an adventure day during school time. In Year 5 the children can attend a one night residential and in Year 6 the children can attend a two night residential to support their independence and confidence.
More details on how we ensure progression in each subject, including National Curriculum Objectives, Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary can be obtained by contacting the school office.
Our Timetable
8:30am - Children can be on our supervised playground from this time
8:50am - Bell rings. Children complete a Morning Activity during registration
9:10am - 9:30am - Assembly
9:30am - 10:30am - Lesson 1 (Maths)
10:30am - 10:45am - Break
10:45am - 11:15am - Lesson 2 (Collaborative Reading)
11:15am - 12:15am - Lesson 3 (English)
12:15pm - 1:15pm - Lunch
1:15pm - 2:20pm - Registration then Lesson 4
2:20pm - 2:30pm - Break
2:30pm - 3:30pm - Lesson 5
*This is a typical school day, however please note it can be subject to change due to other curriculum commitments. For example swimming or sports events.
Compulsory School Hours
Our school day starts with registration at 8:50am and ends at 3:30pm Monday-Friday giving a school week lasting a total of 33 hours and 20 minutes.