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Year 4 Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children

Please download this term's topic leaflet by clicking here.


Chocolate Project

This term Year 4 will learn all about Chocolate.  The project aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn about the history of chocolate, where in the world it came from and to use their Maths, English, Science, Art & Design Technology skills.


Click here to see our Topic Leaflet!


To help prepare you for this topic and to get you thinking, h
ere are some ideas to get you started that we will be covering throguhout the term.



  • Research how chocolate is made from bean to bar. 
  • Design and make your own bar of chocolate!  What shape would it be?  What flavour would it be?  What would the wrapper look like?  How much would it cost?
  • Make a giant 3D chocolate using paper mache/cardboard.
  • Create a quiz about chocolate. Test your friends and family on their chocolate knowledge!
  • Can you film a chocolate advert in the style of a M & S advert?
  • Investigate what happens when chocolate melts. What temperature does chocolate melt at?
  • Can you design a new outfit for Willy Wonka? 



Find out all about The History of Cadbury

Click here to download the powerpoint

Thank you for the Chocolate - STORY


Tom receives a very special gift on his birthday. But as his Grandma reminds him, when you receive the gift of chocolate, there's more than one person you have to say thank you to! 


Click here

How is Cocao Grown?

Follow Tayna on her journey to the Dominican Republic to find out how cocoa is grown, what life is like for cocoa farmers there, and the difference Fairtrade has made.
Click here
Choose the topic you would like to find out all about and bring this knowledge in to class to share it with your peers and teacher.

The Story of Chocolate

 Unwrapping the Bar’  looks at the unfairness at the heart of the chocolate industry and how Fairtrade is working towards a living income for cocoa farmers. It specifically focuses on women cocoa farmers and the role of women in community development.

Click here for the link to the video

Which Chocolate Bar is the best value for money?

Plot each of the chocolate bars on the grid provided. Look at the cost of each bar and the weight of each bar. Try and work out which bar is the best value for money? Which bar gives you most chocolate for the price you are paying?

Click here for the resources

Edshed - Practise your spellings, times tables and maths by completing your homework here

BBC Bitesize - Literacy, numeracy and science activities.

Woodlands - Links to interactive subject resources including literacy and numeracy.

Purple Mash - Links to the Purple Mash website so you can practice your computing skills.

Maths Multiplication Check - Practise for your year 4 SATS times table test with a very similar test here

Spelling Game - Dance Mat Typing