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Year 3 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children

Please download this term's topic leaflet by clicking here.


This term we are learning all about Ancient Egypt. We will learn all about the following:

1. The different events that happened in Egypt during ancient times.

2. The many weird and wonderful gods and goddesses the Ancient Egyptians worshipped.

3. How to write in hieroglyphics.

4, Why the Ancient Egyptians loved cats so much!


Click here to see our Y3 topic leaflet!


Click here to see our Y6 topic leaflet!

Walk Like An Egyptian!

At the launch of our topic we cracked an Egyptian code and decoded a message telling us to 'Walk Like An Egyptian!' 

We had a good laugh practicing our best Egyptian walk before creating our own set of hieroglyphic symbols.



Excavate Egypt

In this exciting game you get to pretend to be an archeologist and uncover buried treasures in different parts of Egypt.

Click here to play the game!

Gods and Goddesses


The Ancient Egyptians worshipped many Gods. A lot of them had the body of a human but the head of an animal!

They had Gods or Goddesses for:

  • The Sun
  • The Sky
  • Knowledge
  • And a God of the Desert and Chaos!

Click here to find out more!


National Geographic for Kids

This website has lots of fun and interesting facts all about Ancient Egypt 
Click here

Fun YouTube Videos About Ancient Egypt

Click on the links below to watch videos about some of the different areas we'll be looking at this term.  

Ancient Egypt - 5 Things You Should Know

Ancient Egypt for Kids

Have a dance with Horrible Histories!

EdshedPractise your spellings, times tables and maths by completing your homework here

BBC Bitesize - Literacy, numeracy and science activities.

Woodlands - Links to interactive subject resources including literacy and numeracy.

Purple Mash - Links to the Purple Mash website so you can practice your computing skills.

Maths Multiplication Check - Practise for your year 4 SATS times table test with a very similar test here

Spelling Game - Dance Mat Typing